Workshop Event

Knee Joint Surgery I & II – Lateral Tether, TPLO, CBLO, TTA, and CCWO

Knee Joint Surgery I & II - Lateral Tether, TPLO, CBLO, TTA, and CCWO


9. March 2024 - 10. March 2024    
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM


Germany - Improve Veterinary Training Center
Werner-Heisenberg-Strasse 2C, Neu-Isenburg, Frankfurt am Main, 63263


Faculty: Dr. Hugo Schmökel
Organizer: Improve International
Note: Advanced Orthopedics Intensive Course
Course Details
Note This is an Improve International Intensive Course
Full Title Intensivkurs Fortgeschrittene Orthopädie – Kniegelenkchirurgie I&II – Seitliches Halteband, TPLO, CBLO, TTA und CCWO
Faculty Dr. Hugo Schmökel (DVM, PhD, Dipl ECVS, MRCVS)
Course Fee See Improve International Website →
Course Language in German
Registration  See Improve International Website →
More Info Intensive Course with 2 Modules


In these course units, you will learn innovations in the field of surgical orthopedics and traumatology – specifically prepared for veterinarians who want to bring their surgical knowledge and skills to a new, advanced level! The course participants receive first-hand tips and tricks to internalize the decision-making criteria for suitable therapeutic approaches, as well as instructions for dealing with complex problems.
Module 01 – Knee Joint Surgery I – Lateral retaining ligament, TPLO & CBLO
The first module covers the following topics:

  • Indications, advantages and disadvantages of performing a lateral tether, TPLO or CBLO
  • Complications with lateral tether, TPLO and CBLO
  • Surgical technique TPLO
  • Surgical Technique CBLO
Module 02 – Knee Joint Surgery II – TTA & CCWO
The second module includes the following topics:

  • Indications, advantages and disadvantages of performing a TTA or CCWO
  • Complications of TTAs and CCWOs
  • Surgical technique TTA RAPID®
  • Surgical Technique CCWO