
Groundbreaking Ceremony for New Commercial Building: A Pioneering Investment in Rural Development

On May 7th, RITA LEIBINGER GmbH & Co. KG celebrated the groundbreaking ceremony for its new state-of-the-art business building, which will seamlessly integrate modern office and production spaces. 

This ambitious project is being funded through the ELR (Entwicklungsprogramm Ländlicher Raum) "Spitze auf dem Land" initiative, designed to support innovative business developments in rural areas.

The company’s owning family and employees eagerly anticipate the project's completion: 

"With this construction project, we are setting a crucial milestone for the future economic growth of our company. We are creating modern jobs and fostering innovation by combining office and production space optimally. The "Spitze auf dem Land" funding has been instrumental in making this possible."

The new building, expected to be completed within the next 10 months, will feature sustainable materials and energy-efficient technologies, underscoring the company’s commitment to sustainability and innovation.

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